Flytouch 2 Android Tablet PC etc Update ROM

The link that davidmonas posted is the right one but it has a lot of things.

What you have to do is:

1) Get a cable to connect the tablet to the pc.

2) go here and get the last firmware --------- or  www

3) Get the burntool here -----------

4) Extract both of them

4) Turn off you tablet.

5) Connect the table to the pc with the cable

6) Hold the Menu button + Power button for 5 seconds

7) In windows it will pop up a message saying that a new device has been detected and the it will say that it was impossible to find drivers to connect the device.
 Go to your Control panel --> Device manager. Change to classic view to find the Device manager
 It will show some unreconized hardware with a yellow mark. Rigth click on that-----> update Driver
The in the new window that popups you choose Install from a list or a specific location ----> Dont search i will choose the driver to install --> Have a disk ---> then browse to the place where you extracted the burntool ---> choose the file named  "secbulk.inf" and confirm. Then just do next-next-next till the end

8 ) go to the place where you extracted the burn tool and open the file name burntool_v07.5

9) in the burntool you should see the device10  bar at green if the device is correctly connected to the pc

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